Professional profile
The Public Accountant trained at the University of Magdalena has the disciplinary and interdisciplinary competences to give public faith on the economic and financial facts of the organizations and to respond to the activities in the exercise of his functions. A professional with a foundation in the application of the techniques and procedures of the accounting, administrative and economic sciences that allow the development of tests to exercise control of the social patrimony and the economic entity. A foundation that facilitate the decisions making to guarantee the sustainable development in the national and international context, guided by ethical principles and social responsibility.
Occupational profile
The Public Accountant trained at University of Magdalena acquires the skills to perform in the activities inherent to the accounting profession as established by the regulatory framework of the accounting profession and especially in the following areas of performance:
- A tax auditor, an external auditor, an internal auditor in public or private companies. Head of accounting in private entities and visitor in technical-accounting matters of the Banking Superintendence and in companies like Dan coop, Family Subsidy, as well as in the National Securities Commission and the General Direction of National Taxes.
- An expert in controversies of a technical-accounting nature, especially in diligence on the exhibition of books, accountability judgments, valuation of intangible assets, and cost of ongoing businesses. An adviser in technical-accounting advice before the authorities, through governmental channels and in all matters related to tax matters.
Applicant's profile
The student of Public Accounting of the University of Magdalena must be a leader, who wants to connect to the business and financial world. Someone able to potentiate his abilities to plan and control different work teams and processes. A person with the tools necessary for analytical and reflective decision-making, a natural researcher, a guide in an environment of change and dynamism where the accounting and regulatory profession in Colombia and the world is.