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International Relations Office


The International Relations Office (IRO) contributes to activities related to the organization’s purpose in research, teaching and extension social engagement of the institution through the insertion of these main themes into the global context. To this end, it manages strategic alliances at national and international level and develops mobility programs, capacity building, collaboration in research and teacher training with its own and external financing.


1. Advise senior management on the creation and implementation of institutional policies on internationalization and inter-institutional relations.

2. Manage the analysis and implementation of strategies aimed at strengthening and consolidating the institutional relations of the University.

3. Manage exchanges, internships and studies abroad for teachers, researchers, students and administrative staff.

4. Participate in international meetings for exchange, cooperation, assistance and support.

5. Manage the counselling, training and support required in the preparation, negotiation, submission and implementation of academic, scientific, cultural and economic cooperation projects both internationally and nationally.

6. Lead the participation in international networks and in academic and scientific cooperation projects.

7. Guide the compilation, updating and dissemination of information from national and international donors.

8. Advise and participate in the management of internationalization and national cooperation agreements.

9. Manage national and international exchange and cooperation procedures, related to agreements, grants, scholarships and calls.

10. Manage cooperation and exchange statistics, national and international, related to agreements, grants, scholarships and calls.

11. Monitor and verify compliance with protocol activities for visitors and national or foreign guests at the University.

12. Manage activities related to reception and monitoring of international teachers, researchers and students.

13. Submit reports to the Rector’s office and competent authorities in matters within its competence.

14. Follow the norms and protocols of the Institutional Environmental Management Plan - PIGA, the occupational health and industrial safety program in the execution of activities in charge.

15. Follow the duties established in the Comprehensive Management System and the Internal Control Standard Model, as well as provide the supporting documents as requested by the competent authorities.

16. The others that are assigned and correspond to the nature of the job.