This academic program is accredited by high quality.
Renovación de Acreditación por alta calidad Resolución No. 008340 de 2019 del 9 de agosto del 2019, con vigencia de 6 años.
The Economics Program was created under general bylaw/
Executive bylaw # 005 in 1969. Currently it is offered on campus mode, it lasts 9 academic semesters with a total of 142 credits, supported under Academic Agreement # 035 2011 and it is comprised of the professional training area with 12 credits; Investigative training with 10 credits; Discipline basic training discipline with 61 credits and the vocational training area, which consists of 15 credits of disciplinary emphasis in the lines of economics history and thought, applied economics, economics and regional development; 15 academic credits are also offered in other disciplines in which there are 4 levels of English: 1. Fundamental, 2. Basic, 3. Intermediate and 4. High Intermediate.
November de 2024
09:00 AM
September de 2024
08:00 AM
Inteligencia Artificial Desde la Perspectiva Empresarial y Económica
Auditorio Neguanje, Universidad del Magdalena

02/04/2024 09:30 AM
Visita de Pares Académicos para Acreditación Internacional EQUAA

14/11/2023 04:03 PM

06/10/2023 11:46 AM