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Civil Engineering

Professional profile

The program trains civil engineers with solid technical, ethical and humanistic training, leadership skills, entrepreneurial vision and a strong sense of responsibility and social commitment to promoting the development of the region and the country. A professional who takes into account the preservation of natural resources and the search for sustainable development. The areas where they can perform are Civil Constructions, Structures, Roads and Transportation, Hydraulics, Environmental, Geotechnics.

Occupational profile

He Civil Engineer of the University of Magdalena can identify, diagnose and solve problems related to the scarcity of infrastructure or insufficiency of the existing one, requirements imposed by technological development, exploration, and exploitation of natural resources as a common welfare pantry.  He also has the ability to elaborate projects of feasibility and execution of the exploitation of energy sources, multiple use of water (human consumption, irrigation and drainage, recreation and tourism, flood control, development of the fishing industry) as well as road system and means of transport (roads, railways, bridges, airports, sea and river ports).  In addition, he can manage civil constructions (housing, buildings, industrial complexes, and hydraulic structures) and work ground systems (geotechnical studies, and foundations), and sometimes he must carry out tenders, contracts and personnel administration.

Applicant's profile

The Civil Engineering program’s candidate of the University of Magdalena must have the following profile:

  • Attitude and aptitude to solve civil engineering problems through mathematical and physical criteria, proposing quick and accurate solutions.
  • Self-improvement regarding his professional and personal training through ethical criteria.
  • Excellent interpersonal relationships based on respect and tolerance.
  • Social sense to ensure the general welfare.

La forma de ingreso del aspirante será a través de un proceso objetivo en el que se valorará los conocimientos previos de las personas, bajo criterios de transparencia y claridad buscando seleccionar a los mejores futuros profesionales en este programa de pregrado. Para mayor información visitar la página web de Admisiones, Registro y Control, en donde se especifican las condiciones y la forma como se lleva a cabo tal proceso.

The selection process will be through the assessment of the candidate’s previous knowledge, under transparency and clarity criteria, seeking to select the best future professionals in this undergraduate program. For more information visit the website of Admissions, Registration, and Control, where the conditions and the procedure are specified.