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Ph.D in Marine Sciences

Professional profile

The professional profile of the graduate is one who has garnered the requisite knowledge,skill set attitudes and values of a professional in this this field based on competences. With this in mind, the training of the marine science researcher includes the integration of cognitive, communicative and ethical skills with those of the profession.

There are several models of classification of competences. In the case of the professional profile of the graduate of this program, the one by the Ministry of National Education about labor competences, both generic and specific, has been adopted. The first is common to all professionals the specific ones, are related to the aspects of this profession.

Applicant's profile

The PhD is aimed at: Professionals of the exact and natural or agricultural sciences, economics, social and human sciences and engineering related to the coastal marine environment, who have an interest in research in marine sciences and / or teaching in this field.

Applicants who meet the following academic criteria may apply : applicants with  professional qualifications and / or Masters or Specialization in a related area who demonstrate evidence of research with publications on the area of focus, or who can verify through letter the acceptance of their research by a publication.