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Post Graduate Diploma in Administrative law


The program of specialization in the Administrative law of the University of Magdalena will educate competent lawyers with tools based on knowledge and disciplinary standards at high ethical levels, in order to propose solutions based on the technology of information. It will allow its graduates to innovate, lead and participate in projects in different areas of society impacting their region and the country while improving the quality of life of the communities.


The program of specialization in administrative law will be recognized by the high quality in its academic processes, social projection and internationalization, the appropriation of a pedagogical model centered on the student, the use of technologies of Information of last generation in its different activities, the integration with different sectors of the society, the positioning of its graduates in the contribution to the research, innovation and productive development with social responsibility. In addition, it is a discipline in charge of establishing regulations for the exercise of administrative function by those who are constitutionally and legally vested with authority to exercise it, in order to fulfil the constitutional purposes of the State.  




Admission requirements

To access the specialization program, certain requirements must be fulfilled, which are listed below:

  • Accredited professional degree in law.
  • Copies of the degree diploma. Note: The applicant must submit the original certificate or certificate for verification of the photocopy and it will be returned immediately. (If you are outside the city, the photocopy of the certificate of the degree must be authenticated. Under no circumstances should you send your certificate of original degree.  (8)
  • Payment of the registration fee (which is downloaded through the website of Http://admisiones.unimagdalena.edu.co/inscripcionPOS/index.jspUniversity).
  • Fill in the registration form: Http://admisiones.unimagdalena.edu.co/inscripcionPOS/loginFormulario.jsp. Digitally upload (photo in JPG format, 3x4 white background, greater than 400K).
  • Photocopy of the ID.
  • A letter of intent.
  • Curriculum Vitae with supporting documents (studies and work experience).
  • Photocopy of the current Electoral certificate; If you have it, you get 10% discount. Note: The applicant must present the original Electoral certificate for photocopy verification and will be returned immediately. If you are outside the city, the photocopy of the voter certificate must be authenticated. Under no circumstances should you send your original voter certificate).

Graduation Requirements

For specialization in administrative law the following requirements were established to qualify for the title of specialist in Administrative law:

  • Have completed and approved the twenty-eight (28) academic credits of the curriculum within a maximum period of (2) years.
  • Any other administrative requirement established by the University.

Student outcomes

Resultados del estudiante

RA1: Gestiona diferentes tipos de procedimientos administrativos y medios de control para  la resolución de conflictos entre los ciudadanos y la administración pública 

RA2: Propone soluciones jurídicas modernas en el ámbito del Derecho Administrativo para fomentar la transparencia en la función pública a?plicando herramientas tecnológicas que le permitan optimizar las actuaciones y garantizar la protección efectiva de los derechos de los administrados